Monday, January 28, 2008

Decision-making time!

So...I'm moving out!! i've decided it's time. I still want to buy a place, but i need my space right now. I want my own everything and i want to have the freedom of full independence that i don't feel at home! i'm so excited cuz i think i found a place and the timing works out perfectly. I want to move around the end of February, and there's a place opening up at that exact same time that i'm already familiar with, includes everything but laundry, and is actually quite cheap! I also already have a roommate which is going to cut costs even more! how awesome is that?!

I think God is definately in this because it's working out so well. I know i still have a "fight" on my hands, but it's a matter of giving that up to God and praying for him to work this out in his timing.

I had an awesome talk with my aunt today about my family and she helped me see some things i was never aware of. She is completely in support of me moving out too. I know i have a great opportunity to save at home, but i need something i can't get here...i can't explain it, i just know it! it's an itch i just have to scratch.

YAY!!! i made a decision!!

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