Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Emotional Amputation

I wish as humans we had the choice to feel. Today i'm hurting more than i ever thought humanly possible. My heart literally feels as though it has been ripped from my chest! All I want to do is end my life and stop this pain.

My best friend told me that often these times are attributed to God "doing" this to us, when in fact it could very well simply be Satan asking God "how far will you let me go with this person". It's a bit of a cliche to say that i understand a bit about how Job felt, but it's the truth. Satan pushed him and Job remained faithful. So my challenge is to stand up and say "bring it on!" I have never NEVER cried as hard as i have tonight...but then, i've never loved this hard before either.


Dana said...

Praying for you Stacy. Praying for you. Empty words for an empty time, but they're there anyway.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you feel so bad. I don't think that everything bad comes from Satan. God is so pleased with you already. He'll be so happy when you come out of this a better, stronger person person! I believe that these things make us stronger.